Probation Period Review Template


A Probation period is an opportunity for employers to determine whether a new employee is a right fit for the organisation. During this period it is critical for the manager to set clear goals and measures of success for the new employee. Having a structured process in place ensures that expectations are met and performance is measured objectively.

These reviews give the manager a better understanding of where the new employee is in the learning, onboarding and settling-in processes. With the information gathered in these review meetings, the manager has an objective view on whether the employee can be made permanent, if the Probation Period should be extended or if the employment relationship should be terminated.

When these reviews are conducted correctly, companies can save tremendously on time and legal issues.

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This product offers a Probation Period Review Guidelines document and a fillable 9-page Probation Period Review template.

The template covers the standard 3 month period and has the following amongst other: Objectives, Measures of Success, Development and other criteria for each month in the role from the 1st week of employment.